The UCB Biopharma
Convention 2024
is Carbon Neutral

All emissions from the UCB Biopharma Convention held from February 19 to 22, 2024, at the Cyan Resort by Atlantica in Itupeva (SP) were neutralized, through a partnership with Planton. Therefore, from the energy used to the transportation of the audience to the event location, the emissions were measured and compensated with carbon credits valid in the international community.

Methodology for measuring emissions

The carbon inventory adopts the GHG Protocol methodology.

This standardized approach covers three scopes of emissions: scope 1 (direct emissions), scope 2 (indirect emissions related to electricity), and scope 3 (other indirect emissions, such as participant transportation and waste disposal).

Thus, the event highlighted the following priority emission sources:

#9ba831|Scope 1|Emissions from the use of the power generator and gas for meal preparation.

#6ba562|Scope 2|No scope 2 emissions were identified, as the energy used at the event came from a power generator.

#2ca1a3|Scope 3|Emissions from waste that could not be allocated for recycling, the transportation of suppliers, and the last mile displacement of the event audience (car and airplane).

By using the GHG Protocol, we ensure that our carbon inventory is aligned with global best practices, promoting transparency and enabling informed decision-making to reduce our environmental impact and contribute to sustainability.

The Emissions Inventory

Here, you will have access to the complete emissions inventory of the event, compiled from data collected by the UCB Biopharma team. In these two pages, you will get a comprehensive view of where emissions occurred, and together, we can move towards ever-greater efficiency in terms of emissions.

Compensation of emissions through carbon credits

All emissions identified at the event were compensated through carbon credits valid in the international community.


RIMA Fuel Switch in Bocaiúva

The project resides in the industrial district of Bocaiúva, in the northern state of Minas Gerais, a region dedicated to metallurgy, mining, agriculture and reforestation. The project replaces fossil fuel by renewable biomass at one of the factories of Rima Industrial.

The project consists of switching from fossil fuel oil which has a high carbon emission factor and therefore a high global warming potential to a renewable biomass (charcoal fines) at the industrial plant. Rima has 5 eucalyptus and pinus plantations within 250 km covering 40,000 ha where the charcoal is produced in pyrolysis ovens designed by Rima’s technical staff. These ovens are continuously operated and improved in order to enhance efficiency and process.

At the industrial plant, the charcoal passes through sieves to separate the fines from material with the proper size to produce metallic silicon and ferro- alloys. This plant produces metallic magnesium and alloys, both as lingots and powder and auto parts. These plants have reduction furnaces that use charcoal as a reducing agent. More than three quarters of the charcoal consumed in these plants is produced in Rima’s sustainably managed forests.

Contribution of the project activity to sustainable development: 

The contributions of project activity towards sustainable development are explained with indicators like contributions to social, economic, environmental, and technological well-being aspects as follows:

  • Social Well-being: The project creates social benefits related to improvement of labor conditions.
  • Economic Well-being: The project increases local job opportunities by additional manpower and creates work opportunities by stimulating sustainable management of existing forests in the region.
  • Environmental Well-being: The project contributes to local environmental sustainability since it decreases the use of fuel oil.
  • Technological Well-being: The project contributes to technology and capacity development as new kiln burners and process control specifications are being put in place for the new fuel.

Certificate of Neutralization

Through the Certificate of Neutralization, we have the information and access to official documents that guarantee and underpin the neutralization of the event’s emissions.



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